There's gonna be some time before I watch Friends or meddle around with my new phone, so I'd like to dedicate this post to those who wished me happy birthday or gave me presents! Not gonna be a long one.
In colour coding for facebook, msn, sms, tagboard and in person LOL. There's a whole chunk of blue cause I only checked at night after the choir concert.
Okay I know that's pretty lame but I'd like to remember them what. D:
Well anyway, that isn't really important. I just really want to thank all of you for remembering, and I really do appreciate it. Especially when I can't remember alot of these dates myself and end up missing my friends' birthdays )):
Well here goes!
Leongying, Ken, KennethTeo, Riane, Peixuan, Hemant, Minle, Ashley, NgikHiong Kaiying, Georgina, Clifford, Raymond, Liu, CassandraLim, ClaireChin, MdmTeo, Mom, Geetha, Annisaa, Nila, MsAnnabelleNg, MdmWong, Nadiah, Ashiqin, MsSabrinaTeo, Jinle, Yao, Azizah, Nadirah, Terie, IsabelLeong, Carol, Alvina, Chris, MrsLim, Gohbin, 1A07, Felicia, Yingzhi, IsabelLow, Erica, Yihao, Annia, Sheena, Yeni, Denise, Yufan, Tingwei, Yingjun, Qianyu, Alicia, Olivia, Ada, Elizabeth, Brenda, Bella, ChuinChi, Meixuan, Pamela, Limying, Danica, Choir peeps, NicholasLye, Yahui, Piying, Rachel, Zhiyong, Sam, Shuqing, Melvin, Andre, Patrick, Annalisa, Pamela, SarahAn,g VivianChiam, ChristinaOng, Huiqing, Tania, LeonaQuek, Dazzlyn, Dawn, Mingyue, Kaying, Raquel, Jinle, JolinOoi, Nadiah, Zhengwei, Alina, Johhanes, Perle, Sunyu, Xiner, Ivan, Joycelyn, Yiting, VanessaLee, Waiping, Shermaine ... THANKYOU! =D
Tell me if I missed anybody out, but I don't think I did cause there's 1A07 and Choir in there anyway :P and the names aren't repeated though some wished me a few times. Okay haha.
Pictures below are all taken by my C905, which explains the quality. A phone (though 8.1mp) will definitely be no match for my Nikon Camera!
Also, a special word of thanks to leongying for the lovely, lovely card you made for me.Looks good when its opened out isn't it! The words make it look even better of course ;D Looking at it makes me miss the 4 years I've spent with you, seeyou soon alright yingz!
Bella, Meixuan, Leongying, Chuinchi for the flower! Well that's a gift for the concert too haha!
My Choir batchmates and juniors for the wonderful Birthday song sang to me at esplanade after the concert! :D :D :D (this time not over the phone hehe)
Ada, Elizabeth and Brenda for the Donut Factory bon-bons!! :D They're still looking real pretty in my fridge, and gonna be my soon-to-be supper haha! Thanks alot, Jiayou to you guys okay!!
Kenneth for the burnt FRIENDS CDs (and the poem too). Btw, this is a stupid question but do I keep them or return them to you? LOL. Gosh I don't know how long its gonna take me to finish watching everything, but TRUST ME I WILL! DEFINITELY!
1A07 for the birthday song!!! :D
My wonderful PW GROUP with Ashiqin, Annisaa, Azizah and Yao for the notes and the cookie! :D Alright Ashiqin I'll post a picture of it soon since the words are so nice (well, well) while the notes by the other four shall be kept to myself hehe :D
(sorry, I have NO idea why blogger posted it upside down, and the lighting's abit dim D:)
Raymond for the BIRTHDAY CAKE!! Like seriously, thanks alot! That really came as a surprise, have fun in army so I think you'll be reading this much later HAHA.
My brother for the Bakerzin cake. Strawberry cheesecakes will forever be awesome. Ah, but I love your tiramisu too :D
Terie in advance for the gift you're gonna make me LOL. MOVIE MARATHON SOON AH!!!!
Annia in advance too cause you said the presents are with you LOL :D MISS YOU DEAR!! D:
My dearest mother for the (extremely) pretty pop-up card you mean. She pasted a grand piano on it cause its impossible to get me one, and my soon-to-be earphones :D My brother and her wrote touching notes for me and I kinda teared reading them. Very sweet eh! :D
The photo does NO justice to the card cause the colours turned out all screwed and you can't even see the pop-up effect!
My brother and Yahui for the hand-made box, the wallet, and the card. I've thanked you many times and also in the previous already, so :D I'll keep the box forever and ever and ever just like that yoyo! :D
My aunties and uncle for the Angbaos with enough bucks for me to buy loads of stuff haha!
My grandmother for the GIGANTIC BOX OF Kjeldsen's Butter cookies! Its flown from Hongkong to Singapore thanks to my dad LOL!
Ahschoir and MrToh for inviting us back to sing, I think that was one of the best birthday presents this year. You guys must be preparing to be on stage now, ALL THE BEST WITH LOVE!
That's all for now, once again, thankyou for making my 17th such a special one. Feels even more special cause I kept quiet this time and tried not to look forward to anything.
That makes little messages seem more like a big little surprises.
yeah, birthdays are all about that element of joy and surprise imo :P
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